
Newborn kittens and Fleas: Remedies to Kill Fleas and Ticks

Newborn kittens and Fleas

Treating newborn kittens for ticks and fleas is crucial for their well-being. These parasites can transmit diseases and cause serious health issues like anemia. Avoid using commercial flea and tick repellents as they may contain harmful ingredients. Instead, opt for safe and expert-recommended techniques to eliminate fleas and ticks from the kittens and your home. Check out this resource for more information on caring for newborn kittens: Caring for a Newborn Kitten.

Given this, it’s essential to prioritize eliminating fleas and ticks from the kitten and your home using techniques that are safe to use and recommended by experts. This write-up examines the causes and remedies for Newborn kittens and fleas.

Newborn Kittens and Fleas

The most common type of flea on kittens is the Ctenocephalides felis species; however, your cat may also attract fleas from rats and rabbits. All kittens are itchy from flea bites, and some may get allergies (called flea-allergic dermatitis) as a result. If you thought fleas were annoying enough, imagine how much more so when you had a major infestation of tapeworms! Some varieties of tapeworms can even thrive in their natural habitat.

But there’s no need to panic, because you may choose from a variety of kitten flea prevention methods.

Since cats are excellent groomers, parasites are unlikely to infect them. Bald patches, scabs, red, painful skin, and excessive grooming are all signs of flea infestation. While regular brushing won’t keep parasites away, looking for indications of unwelcome guests in fur can help detect them and get treatment quickly.

How Do Kittens Get Fleas?

Spending the entire day outside seems like the surest way to bring a family of fleas home. However, even if your cat stays indoors, there may be plenty of opportunities for parasites like fleas to get into its glamorous fur. Cats can get fleas in the following ways:

Stepping Outside the House

A brief visit to the veterinarian is sufficient for a bothersome flea to infiltrate your indoor pet. Many of their fellow kittens frequent places like the veterinarian’s office or catteries. There’s a good chance that some fleas will remain behind if one of them already has them, waiting for another animal to arrive.

Additional Household Pets

If your kitten coexists with other animals, it’s possible that these microscopic insects were introduced by previous owners, and your kitten was their next easy meal.

Rodents in the Garden

Cats adore their little mouse-scrolling adventures. Nevertheless, they can simply jump ship and infect your day old kitten if one of their victims happens to be the host of a few pairs of fleas.

Relocating to a New Residence

Moving into a new home frequently does not indicate that the previous one is empty or that the fleas have left. If you recently moved in with your cat, think about giving the place a thorough cleaning once more. If you think it would help, you can even get in touch with professionals who specialize in flea control services.

How to Use Lemon to Get Rid of Fleas on Kittens

Kittens with fleas may develop skin rashes, hair loss, and tapeworm infestations, among other health issues. This can cause blood loss in young kittens, which can lead to fatal anemia. It is recommended to rid newborn kittens of fleas using natural methods like lemon water. Treat all cats and kittens with a flea repellant that has a lemon base.

Use Lemon to Get Rid of Fleas on Kittens

Cut one lemon into thin slices, then add them to a saucepan. Pour one pint of boiling water over the slices of lemon. Let the lemon mixture steep for a minimum of 24 hours and up to a whole night.

Pour the lemon mixture into an empty spray bottle after straining it. “Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats” states that this lemon rinse has anti-flea qualities like d-limonene and soothes your cats’ flea-irritated skin.

Bathe the kitten for 2 to 5 minutes in the lukewarm water with lemon dish soap and then give them a thorough rinse. Given their young age, it is important to dry them off and put them in a cardboard box with a heating pad set to the lowest heat possible to keep their body temperature warm.

Reintroduce the mother cat and other cats to the kittens after giving them a 10-minute bathe in lukewarm water mixed with dish soap to get rid of fleas. Pat them dry after the bath.

Transfer the lemon juice to a bowl. Use a flea comb or blunt tweezers if the mother or the kittens still have fleas on them. You can eliminate fleas by putting them in the lemon juice bowl.

Mother cats and other cats can avoid fleas by rinsing them with lemon. Use a cotton ball to apply the soapy water, and then let the kittens dry while still warm. Each week, reapply.

Cats can be kept flea-free by vacuuming fleas from carpets and floors, cleaning their bedding with lemon juice, and mopping the floor with a solution of lemon juice and water.

How to Remove Fleas and Ticks From The Kittens

Below are some of the recommended means to remove fleas from kittens and cats.

Using a Flea Comb.

Comb on Pet

To remove the fleas from your kitten, use a flea comb, available at your local pet store. Avoid giving your kitten a chill or cold, which can be fatal, and brush them out in a warm place.

Use Warm Water and Detergent to Kill Fleas.

Combine warm water and liquid detergent to remove fleas from your cat; comb them out and soak them in the solution. To drown the fleas, stir the water around. Fleas can also be extracted from the wet coat by diluting water with bath oil and using a flea comb. To kill the fleas, soak them in water.

For additional safety against movement or escape, you can also secure the removed fleas with a piece of double-sided tape. Either drown them or crush them after that. You should always treat your other indoor cats and kittens for fleas as well, even if they are owned by the mother cat. Your kitten should not come into contact with fleas from another animal.

Use Tweezers to Get Rid of Fleas on Kittens.

Using tweezers, gloves, rubbing alcohol, and a pesticide container, remove ticks from your cat. After removing the tick, hold its head, extract it from the skin, and thoroughly wash your hands.

Using an Antiseptic to Kill Fleas.

To avoid infection, treat your kitten’s tick bites with an antiseptic. Treat your kitten’s bites with an antiseptic once a day to prevent them from becoming dirty in case they try to chew on or scratch at them. Look for signs of illness or infection in your kitten, such as fever, lack of appetite, extreme tiredness, or stiff limbs, and take it to the VET if it does.

Consult your veterinarian.

Regarding flea treatment, speak with your veterinarian. It is always advised to remove hand fleas from newborns because most flea treatments can be fatal to kittens. Cats older than 4 weeks of age, however, can be treated with Capstar. This remedy works to kill adult fleas on your cat, but not on week old kittens. Certain medications can safely only be applied to a kitten that is at least 8 weeks old because they can eradicate any flea offspring. You should always get your kitten’s veterinarian’s advice before administering any flea product to prevent injury.

Don’t use natural oils to get rid of fleas on your kitten. Certain oils, such as geranium, eucalyptus, and lavender, are poisonous to young kittens.

Consult your veterinarian about anti-tick drugs. To get rid of ticks from your kitten’s coat, you can apply a variety of tick treatments. But these can also harm a kitten’s health. Before using tick prevention products on your kitten, always consult your veterinarian.

Always check your other cats and kittens, including the mother cat, for ticks if you have any in your home. Ticks from another animal should not reattach themselves to your kitten.

How to Get Rid of Cat Fleas in Your Home

Cat flea prevention methods can help treat your house by preventing fleas from laying eggs or developing them. Household sprays are available for use on carpets and furnishings.

Always adhere to the manufacturer’s directions, which usually recommend vacuuming your carpets to get rid of cat fur and eggs from the surface, then thoroughly spraying your carpet and vacuuming it again. Always use flea repellent on the vacuum cleaner and discard any vacuum bags to prevent fleas from growing within.

Sprays should never be used near fish tanks, and you should always make sure your pets are kept outside affected areas until they have had enough ventilation. Unfortunately, pest control treatments may be necessary for extremely serious infestations within a home.

Additionally, it is a good idea to give your pet’s bed and any fabrics they come into contact with a thorough wash. Use a detergent and hot water; the heat and the soap will help kill fleas and destroy their eggs.

Controlling fleas outside is difficult because of cat interactions. Garden cats can benefit from utilizing flea control solutions intended for outdoor usage, with an emphasis on locations where other cats gather.


To protect newborn kittens from ticks and fleas, use lemon-based treatments, regular cleaning, warm water, and flea combs. Consult a veterinarian for flea treatments suited for their age, and take care of your pet at home by washing bedding and using safe sprays. This proactive approach, combined with veterinary assistance, ensures kitten well-being and reduces the risks caused by fleas and ticks.

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